The Secret Life: The hidden struggles of culinary hobbies

We all have talents. Sometimes it is a hidden talent. Sometimes it’s not.

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it before, but my family is a foodie family. Our talents lie in the culinary field; we are a family of cooks, hobby chefs, and bakers. If you are one of the few who can’t whip up a nice meal yourself, then you at least have the taste for one–we know our foods. When it comes to family gatherings, my family is the one to celebrate with–there is good food, and lots of it. I think this is why I (and my siblings) have become such a food brat.

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Go Big or Go Home

Sometimes, I wonder if the act of “overdoing” something is subconscious. Of course, we all know when we’re purposely overdoing things–when we stay up until the sun rises to study for tests, when “diet” is just another word for “starvation,” and when we train so hard for a sport that we end up sore for days. We know what we want, and we’re ready for the consequences.

But what we’re often not ready for are the side effects. Sure, you knew you’d be tired after staying up late for that test, but it was for the A–what you didn’t know, though, was how much stress your liver just went through. You thought starving yourself would help you shed those pounds, but instead, you gained weight from water retention. And lastly, you thought training would strengthen that arm for the last baseball game of your high school career, but you never imagined that you would injure it to the point where you’d never be able to play your favorite sport again.

Is it worth it to overdo things?

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